About Me

Hi, I’m Kajanan.
Welcome to my home on the internet.
Since you probably don't know me, here's what I'd probably say if I was on a first date with you:
- I’m currently in my 5th (and final woo!) year of medical school.
- Even though I'm heading down a pretty well-defined career pathway that has been trodden by many people before me, I’m still trying to find my true purpose and discover the things that give me the greatest enjoyment. I have a feeling this will only involve working in clinical medicine part-time, so I'm currently spending a lot of my free time trying to diversify my interests. My other interests include reading, taking photos, playing board games, hanging out with friends/family, doing exercise. All pretty 'normal' things I'd say.
- Health and fitness are important to me. I used to be big into most sports—soccer, cricket, netball, touch football—you name it, I was in. I still am, but more so in a social sense. Now I find that I'm gravitating towards running. There's no better high than the endorphin rush from successfully finishing a painful interval run.
- I enjoy teaching which is why I work as an Anatomy tutor for the University of Newcastle.
Now here's what I'd add once we got to know each other better:
- I enjoy consuming content relating to self development, philosophy, entrepreneurship and psychology. If you've got an interesting question or idea, tweet at me (@kajanan_n).
- I'm kind've obsessed with making and measuring progress.
- Having the freedom to spend my time how I want to is the second most important thing in the world to me (behind the health of my family, my friends and I).
- I love creating. I do this through three main media: 1) I have a YouTube channel, 2) I take photos, 3) I enjoy thinking and writing, so naturally I started my own blog.
- I'm fascinated by the idea of starting a business but I haven't pulled the trigger on anything beyond starting this YouTube channel (which technically isn't a business in my eyes since I've only sunk money into it and haven't earnt a single cent yet). However, I do aspire to work part-time in Medicine, part-time as a YouTuber/writer and part-time running a business.
You might be thinking, "Who does this guy think he is creating his own website?" Or maybe you're not, but I needed a way to segue into the next segment, so ...
I created this website for a few reasons.
- To write about anything and everything I'm interested in.
- To share my thoughts on, and experiences in, life, which will hopefully be of some benefit to others.
- To invest in myself and create a personal brand that I can build upon throughout my life.
- To summarise information about personal development that I've found useful in my own journey and disseminate it so that you don't have to waste your time finding these proverbial needles within a haystack yourselves.
- To provide information about the pathway to a career in medicine and share medical resources and notes that I've created and found useful.
- To take an active role in improving the education of students, not just in the classroom or lecture hall, but in their personal lives as well.
- To flex my creative muscles and work on my writing skills.
- To give myself a public home on the internet and leave a legacy of the things I've created.
- To think more, articulate my thoughts and be more decisive in everyday life.
- To create an environment where it's socially accepted to be vulnerable and openly talk about even the 'weird' aspects of ourselves.
It goes without saying (but I wanted to mention it anyways since disclaimers are essential when creating publicly) that I am in no way an expert or guru on anything that I write about. Whether it be medical-related or personal development-related; I’m just a guy in his mid-twenties (wow who would've thought I'd be saying that already) sharing his thoughts on the world.
I genuinely hope that you find value here. If you do (or don't), consider getting in touch.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by. You can check out a full list of my articles here.